MCM Replica Copper Cladding has been successfully specified and work is due to start July 2013.
MCM was chosen as a direct replacement for the original copper which unfortunately was stolen from the roof area.
In addition all flat roof areas suffered lead flashing theft and as a result these associated flat roof areas are to upgraded and recovered using AlkorPlan single-ply membrane (AlkorPlan membrane is the approved and associated mambrane to be used in conjunction with all MCM systems).
Due to MCM replica systems unique materials and construction the likelyhood of further theft or damage has been removed.
MCM Replica Copper Cladding has now been recognised as a cost saving and architectural symapthetic alternative to traditional copper. Lewisham Crematorium represents the first of several sacred buildings to be undertaken in the coming months that have experienced semi-precious metal theft.
Please review the images below detailing the project prior to starting.